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MSAD#1 Adult & Community Education

Our Classes

Start Your Own Edible Garden
Online Registration Unavailable

Start Your Own Edible Garden

Price not

with Ed2Go Instructor

Calendar Current session started Oct 8, 2024

Grow delicious, nutritious fruit and vegetables in your own backyard! In this course, you'll learn how to give your garden a healthy start and keep it growing strong all season.

You'll begin by figuring out which type of garden is right for you. You'll explore climate considerations, learn how to read a zone hardiness map, and find out how to spot a micro-climate in your yard. You'll discover how to properly prepare a garden bed so your crops have the best opportunity to thrive. You'll even learn to understand fertilizers and make compost! Whether you want to provide your family with nutritious food, save money, get some exercise, or just be more self-sufficient, this course will give you the skills and knowledge you need to be on your way to a successful harvest.

For more information or to register please click the link.

Start Your Own Gift Basket Business
Online Registration Unavailable

Start Your Own Gift Basket Business

Price not

with Ed2Go Instructor

Calendar Current session started Oct 8, 2024

Take your first step toward a career as a gift basket designer! This course will tell you everything you need to know about starting a gift basket business and running it successfully.

You will learn how to make gift baskets that stand out from everyone else's. You'll also discover how to set up your own design studio and where to find foods, products, and supplies to make your baskets. In addition, you'll explore the requirements and guidelines for running a home-based business. Maximize your profits by pricing your gift baskets correctly and investigate cost-effective ways to ship and deliver the gorgeous gift baskets you create. Along the way, you'll find out the sales secrets that most long-time designers won't reveal. By the end of this course, you'll be ready to start your own business as a gift basket designer and have the confidence you need to excel in this fun and profitable career!

For more information or to register please click the link.

Start Your Own Online Business
Online Registration Unavailable

Start Your Own Online Business

Price not

with Ed2Go Instructor

Calendar Current session started Oct 8, 2024

Today, the Internet has changed everything. It is now entirely possible to create, launch, and build a profitable business from the convenience of your home with little to no upfront investment. This course will give you a solid foundation for building and growing a successful digital business.

You will be given a step-by-step approach that is easy to follow—from building a simplified strategy to branding your business. You will learn to create a product and how to build and launch your own website. You will learn to engage prospective customers, and implement a process that will drive fresh leads to your business. You simply need to know what to do and how to do it. So whether you are looking to generate a nice side income or even to replace your current income and ditch your full-time job, this course is for you.

For more information or to register please click the link.

Start Your Own Small Business
Online Registration Unavailable

Start Your Own Small Business

Price not

with Ed2Go Instructor

Calendar Current session started Oct 8, 2024

Learn how to take your dream of starting a business and put it into action. In this class, you will learn everything you need to know about starting a business. You will begin by discovering the tricks to picking the right opportunity for you. Next, you will learn how to develop proven marketing techniques to easily build sales. Since every business needs money, this course discusses traditional and nontraditional financing options. Finally, you will learn easy-to-implement employee-management procedures and how to write business policies that help you build your business.

You, as a business owner, need to manage all your limited resources. One resource that often gets overlooked is your time. Throughout the course, you will learn time management techniques especially for entrepreneurs. While taking this course, you will discover the secrets that separate the successful entrepreneurs from the struggling ones.

For more information or to register please click the link.

Starting a Consulting Practice
Online Registration Unavailable

Starting a Consulting Practice

Price not

with Ed2Go Instructor

Calendar Current session started Oct 8, 2024

Do you have training or knowledge that could be useful to others? Have you ever considered providing consulting services based upon your background? This course is designed to help you set up a consulting practice. You will learn the complete process of starting and operating a consulting practice. The course will begin with surveys and assessments designed to help you pinpoint the best consulting services to offer.

The course then progresses into the business start-up process, including issues such as licensing and legalities. You will then develop a complete business plan for their consulting firm that details finances, pricing policies, contracting, and marketing. The course concludes with a discussion of record-keeping and tax concerns. The course will keep you updated by citing resources such as books, periodicals, and organizations designed to help small businesses.

For more information or to register please click the link.

Starting a Nonprofit
Online Registration Unavailable

Starting a Nonprofit

Price not

with Ed2Go Instructor

Calendar Current session started Oct 8, 2024

Do you dream of starting and running your very own nonprofit? This highly interactive, hands-on course is ideal for anyone who is interested in forming a new nonprofit, converting an informal group to tax-exempt status, or reorganizing an existing organization. It provides practical how-to information about incorporation, organization, and other issues pertinent to anyone involved with a nonprofit start-up.

No matter what level of experience you have, you're sure to find this unique course to be a valuable source of useful strategies and industry-specific advice that you can put to immediate use. The course is also supplemented with useful checklists, worksheets, reading lists, and field trips to a wide variety of online resources. By the time you graduate, you will be well-prepared to meet the challenge of starting and operating a successful nonprofit.

For more information or to register please click the link.

Stock Trading Suite
Online Registration Unavailable

Stock Trading Suite

Price not

with Ed2Go Instructor

Calendar Current session started Oct 8, 2024

Stocks, Bonds, and Investing: Oh, My!

Looking for a good solid class in the basics of stocks, bonds, finance, and investing? Haven't the slightest clue how to prepare for retirement, pay for college, or even manage your personal finances? Wish you had some guidance to put your finances into clear and understandable perspective? And do you wish you could do it all without having to pay a broker or a financial advisor? Well, look no further. The class you need is right here!

Stocks, Bonds, and Investing; Oh My! is an enjoyable class that walks you through the fundamentals of investing. The course will not only teach you about the stock markets, 401k plans, and retirement, but it will also address personal financial issues that are often ignored, but absolutely essential, to your success as an investor.

This course won't just throw a bunch of terms at you, expecting you to memorize everything. The instructor takes the time to explain concepts in detail so that you understand how and why things work in the investment world. You'll leave this course with a comprehensive and thorough education in personal finance and investment. And you will have provided yourself with the independence, confidence, and peace of mind you'll need to make your own investment decisions.

Full of solid advice and good common sense, this course is bound to make life just a little easier for you.

The Analysis and Valuation of Stocks

The Analysis and Valuation of Stocks is a comprehensive course designed to provide you with conventional and advanced techniques in researching and valuing stocks. Starting off with the basics, you will learn how to read financial statements and calculate financial ratios, and then move on to perform industrial comparisons, value stocks, and conduct economic and industrial research.

This course is taught in a manner that uses everyday language, simple, yet insightful analogies, and a just-the-facts attitude that you will understand and appreciate. By the end of this course, you will have a strong foundation in the analysis and valuation of stocks.

Introduction to Stock Options

Learn how to evaluate, buy, sell, and profit with investment tools that were once thought to be only for the pros. This course will teach you how to protect your portfolio and profit in a down market, an up market, or even a flat market. Learn to leverage your investment dollars for potential profits that surpass those possible with stocks.

Suite bundles are not eligible for partial drops or refunds. Transfers to other open sessions of the same course are available. Please refer to your school for additional details regarding drops, transfers, and refunds on Suite bundles.

For more information or to register please click the link.

Supervision & Management Series
Online Registration Unavailable

Supervision & Management Series

Price not

with Ed2Go Instructor

Calendar Current session started Oct 8, 2024

Become a more effective manager, whether you are new to the role or a seasoned veteran, by mastering the language of management. Gain the skills necessary to delegate responsibility, solve problems, resolve conflicts, and motivate employees. You will also learn how to understand various personality traits in others.

Fundamentals of Supervision and Management I

If you have recently been promoted to a supervisory or management position or want to learn how to become a more effective manager, this course will help you master the basics of business by learning the language of management.

You will learn how to make a successful transition from employee to manager and you'll learn the skills required to delegate responsibility and motivate your employees. Finally, you will learn how to solve problems and resolve conflicts so you can accomplish your job more effectively.

Fundamentals of Supervision and Management II

In this six-week online course, you will learn how to be a more effective manager or supervisor. We will discuss how you can develop your interpersonal skills, by understanding and dealing with the various people issues that arise at work. We are going to show you how you can understand various personality traits--in yourself and in others--and how they impact the ability to get the job done. These traits include emotional intelligence, the need for power, conscientiousness, agreeableness, and more.

Series bundles are not eligible for partial drops or refunds. Transfers to other open sessions of the same course are available. Please refer to your school for additional details regarding drops, transfers, and refunds on Series bundles.

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