Food and Mood: What's the Connection?
with Ed2Go Instructor
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"You are what you eat!" How often have most of us heard this phrase? While it may be a common saying, it remains a very true one for many good reasons. Food has the ability to affect our bodies and minds in profound ways. It can influence how we feel, think, sleep, and function every day. By choosing healthy, nutrient-dense, calorie-appropriate, organic foods and drinking adequate amounts of water, we provide ourselves with optimal opportunities to experience positive physical and mental health.
The outcome of this course is for the learner to describe how food affects one's mood, the types of nutrients that can improve or enhance mental health, types of eating disorders, and how to incorporate mindful eating as a way of supporting positive mental health.
For more information or to register click theĀ link.
Session 1: Sep 30th, 2024 - Sep 30th, 2025
Online Class
For more info, call us at (207) 764-4776