Nonprofit Skills®: Fulfilling Legal Obligations as a Board Member
with MindEdge Instructor
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The law not only requires all nonprofit organizations to have a board of directors; it also identifies critical duties that boards must fulfill. As is the case for for-profit boards, non-profit boards have a duty to act in the organization's shareholder's interests; but for a nonprofit, the shareholders are the members of the public that the organization serves. Board members have three primary legal duties: the duty of care, the duty of loyalty, and the duty of obedience. If a nonprofit causes harm by an act or omission, the organization or even individual officers or employees may be liable. This course explores the legal obligations of nonprofit board members, key legal concepts that board members should understand, and the risks and limits of liability.
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Session 1: Nov 7th, 2024 - Nov 7th, 2025
Online Class
For more info, call us at (207) 764-4776