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English Language Learners
in Literacy
Request for Information: Diploma, HiSET, College Transitions
with Christa Galipeau

This is where your future begins! Whether you are looking to complete your high school education (diploma or HiSET, formerly GED), wanting to brush off skills for college, or heading toward a career, this is the first step. During this one-on-one meeting, we will discuss your academic history and current standing, any barriers to progress, and goals; short & long term. We will also give a clear picture of how our program works and what you can expect from us.
We accept new students throughout the school year! Submit this request for information and we will be in touch!
Simple ELL Vocabulary Strategies
with Ed2Go Instructor

This course will introduce the challenges that English Language Learners (ELLs) encounter with unfamiliar vocabulary and will help you grasp the distinctions between tier 1, 2, and 3 vocabulary words. You will learn different vocabulary strategies, how to support your students at each vocabulary tier, and explore both implicit and explicit vocabulary teaching methods. The course comes with a downloadable PDF of the content, videos, quizzes, and a variety of vocabulary templates ready to be used in the classroom.
For more information or to register click the link.