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in Online Courses

PM Skills®: Change Management
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PM Skills®: Change Management


with MindEdge Instructor

Calendar Current session started Jun 21, 2024

Very few projects—even the simplest and smallest—are completed without having someone request a change of some form. Changes will happen—they can't be avoided—so it's important to prepare your team for any disruptions that may occur to ensure the project is not delayed or derailed.

This self-paced, fully online course will help you address and manage the impact of any changes your team may encounter. You will explore the types, forces, and factors for change, and you'll learn how to use change management initiatives and models to overcome resistance and foster engagement. You'll discover how you can best communicate about change, and you'll learn how to sustain the gains you make as you incorporate changes into your projects.

For more information or to register please click the link.

PM Skills®: Communication
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PM Skills®: Communication


with MindEdge Instructor

Calendar Current session started Jun 21, 2024

Communication is a critical aspect of any successful project. Effective project teams communicate continuously, to share knowledge, clarify project objectives, and address issues. Project practitioners spend a large amount of their time engaged in interpersonal communication activities, ensuring that information is widely distributed and participants are kept up to date on all project objectives. But some project participants may not have the required expertise or ability to communicate effectively.

This self-paced, fully online course will help project leaders understand and coordinate verbal and written forms of communication within and between project teams. It will help focus and clarify communication techniques and allow clear, concise, and direct interactions among all project practitioners and stakeholders.

For more information or to register please click the link.

PM Skills®: Conflict Management
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PM Skills®: Conflict Management


with MindEdge Instructor

Calendar Current session started Jun 21, 2024

Because projects bring so many people together to work collaboratively, it's inevitable—conflict will happen at some point. But a properly structured conflict resolution process will not only address problems in a timely manner, it may actually spark creativity and innovation as a team finds a new pathway to complete its work.

This self-paced, fully online course will help project leaders recognize potential workplace conflicts early and intervene at the appropriate point so they can minimize disruptions. It introduces a robust infrastructure that can prevent stalemates and resentment from interfering with the team's cohesion and solidarity. And it helps guide team members through forms of self-management so they can begin to correctly organize and settle disputes on their own.

For more information or to register please click the link.

PM Skills®: Tailoring and Adaptability
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PM Skills®: Tailoring and Adaptability


with MindEdge Instructor

Calendar Current session started Jun 21, 2024

Every project you encounter will be different in one way or another, and because of these inevitable differences, you'll need to tailor your project work to some degree. Different projects have different needs, expectations, and scopes, so your project's plans will have to be customized and adaptable to what your project demands. Small changes in your processes will be easy to adjust, but larger changes—like modifying your methodology—will require more intensive work.

This self-paced, fully online course will help you understand what tailoring is, increase your adaptability, and identify what in your projects you need to tailor. Knowing what and how to tailor will only increase productivity and lead to a more successful coordination and organization of your projects and operations.

For more information or to register please click the link.

PM Skills®: Team Development
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PM Skills®: Team Development


with MindEdge Instructor

Calendar Current session started Jun 21, 2024

Effective project leaders rely on their project teams to complete work in a timely manner, but often, these teams need coaching and training that will encourage them to work together to achieve their objectives. The members of a project team could be talented individuals, but the team may need to be shaped into a unit that acts collaboratively to meet a project's goals.

This self-paced, fully online course will help learners enhance their team's ability to work cooperatively by clearly defining roles and responsibilities and inviting team members to play to each other's strengths. Learners will create, implement, and evaluate development programs that will help team members advance and improve and will learn to capitalize on team dynamic concepts to achieve success by better understanding team interactions.

For more information or to register please click the link.

PM Skills®: Expanding Focus and Alignment
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PM Skills®: Expanding Focus and Alignment


with MindEdge Instructor

Calendar Current session started Aug 8, 2024

A project consists of many moving parts—people, resources, materials, and timelines, just to name a few. All of these parts connect and influence each other, and, as the project leader, it's your job to ensure that all of the parts come together in the right way to achieve a specific goal. But, as many project leaders know, it's never as simple as moving from point A to point B; projects are messy and nonlinear, so leaders need tools that will help them align project elements and see the bigger picture.

Systems thinking provides a framework for better understanding the complex and ever-changing parts of a project. This methodology helps you think of your project as an interrelated part of the larger puzzle that your organization will use to meet its objectives. It allows you to look beyond the boundaries of your project to see how factors outside those boundaries interact with the things inside (and vice versa). And it helps you expand your focus to see how your project results fit into the overall scheme of your organization.

For more information or to register please click the link.

PM Skills®: Interaction and Engagement
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PM Skills®: Interaction and Engagement


with MindEdge Instructor

Calendar Current session started Aug 8, 2024

As a project leader, your project's stakeholders are some of your greatest assets. However, those assets are only valuable if you collaborate with and involve them on a regular basis. Customers, colleagues, team members, management, the community at large—they all have something to offer, but to capitalize on these resources, you'll need effective interaction and continuous stakeholder engagement to uncover their true worth.

This self-paced, fully online course will help you successfully collaborate with your stakeholders to improve your chances for project success. You'll learn to identify, analyze, manage, and encourage your stakeholder groups to be an integral part of your project's outcomes. And you'll see how meaningful interaction and engagement can strengthen cooperative efforts and enhance results to exceed expectations and requirements.

For more information or to register please click the link.

PM Skills®: Interpersonal Skills for Project Leaders
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PM Skills®: Interpersonal Skills for Project Leaders


with MindEdge Instructor

Calendar Current session started Aug 8, 2024

Successful project leaders understand that, to help their teams meet their objectives, they'll need to employ solid leadership and interpersonal skills that aid and empower the team's members. They'll have to apply sound delegation and facilitation strategies that allow the project staff to stay focused and remain on task. They'll need to make use of strong conflict resolution and negotiations training to address any issues that could hinder team production. And they'll have to demonstrate ethical leadership and compliance qualities that project participants can look to to guide their decisions and actions.

This self-paced, fully online course will help learners explore the key leadership and interpersonal skill set project leaders use to oversee projects and organize teams successfully. They'll get an overview of the behaviors that support project management, which will allow them to productively address problems, keep teams on track, and build trust among their coworkers, colleagues, and stakeholders.

For more information or to register please click the link.

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