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MSAD#1 Adult & Community Education

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Online Courses

Certificate in Business Communications


with MindEdge Instructor

Calendar Current session started Nov 4, 2024

Communicating clearly and concisely in written and oral formats is critical to your professional success. From clarifying and structuring your ideas to designing the PowerPoint slides that will best complement them, the techniques, interactive exercises, and checklists in this certificate program will help you create presentations and workplace documents that inform and persuade.

Courses included in the certificate:

Effective business writing, effective presentations, effrective public speaking,  communicating collaboratively, and effective emails, memos and letters.

For more information or to register please click the link.

Certificate in Mastering Computer Skills for the Workplace
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Certificate in Mastering Computer Skills for the Workplace

Price not

with UGot Class

Calendar Current session started Nov 4, 2024

Get hands-on experience with the most widely used computer programs in the world, and take away the skills to create professional documents, presentations, and spreadsheets.

Whether you're looking to enhance your current career or launch a new one, this certificate program will equip you with the skills you need to succeed in today's digital world. 

Earn a certificate that demonstrates your mastery of computer skills for the workplace by taking all three classes in this series. Discover the power of Microsoft Excel to create, edit and manage spreadsheets, master the art of professional document creation with Microsoft Word, and bring your proposals and presentations to life with Microsoft PowerPoint.

For more information or to register click the link.

Certificate in Mastering Excel


with UGot Class

Calendar Current session started Nov 4, 2024

A must-have skill to succeed in business, whether an entrepreneur or a valued employee, is the ability to create, edit and manage spreadsheets. Microsoft Excel is the most used spreadsheet tool in the world.  Begin with learning how an Excel worksheet is constructed, populated with content, and edited for delivery. Discover how various menu items, commands, settings and processes affects the look of your Excel worksheets and workbooks.  Then, increase your efficiency by learning how to organize, display and calculate your data into useful information. Identify different types of data and how data can be best visually represented or formatted, by using different data tool techniques.  Finally, you’ll learn a variety of Excel’s most powerful features to analyze data quickly and easily. This Certificate will help you discover how to attractively visualize your data into meaningful information with confidence.Students must have Microsoft Excel to complete this certificate. 

Click here for more info on this class.

Certificate in Non-Profit Admin.


with UGot Class

Calendar Current session started Nov 4, 2024

Non-profits today need to be run like a business in many respects. You have competition, a need to generate income and a surplus, and staff need to be even more productive. Get the best training on revenue generation for nonprofits, and program evaluation for nonprofits, with our Certificate in NonProfit Administration.   You will come away with the latest best information from instructors who train people in nonprofits.

For more info click this link.

Certificate In Workplace Communication
Online Registration Unavailable

Certificate In Workplace Communication


with UGot Class

Calendar Current session started Nov 4, 2024

Good communication in the workplace is more important than ever. And critical to your career advancement and success. Come get a comprehensive and intensive preparation with skills and techniques you can put to use on Monday morning. Take back a workable conflict management model, along with successful and practical conflict management strategies. Then work with a pro to learn how to improve your negotiation skills for a win-win outcome, including helping others to get what they want, so you get what you want. Finally, find out more about yourself and others using personality profiles for better work performance. You will be learning from some of our more popular instructors, and taking away new how-to skills that work.

Click here for more information about the course specifics, dates, cost and registration.

Certified Modern Banking Representative Exam
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Certified Modern Banking Representative Exam


with MindEdge Instructor

Calendar Current session started Nov 4, 2024

This course contains the Center for Financial Training & Education Alliance's (CFTEA) online exam for the Modern Banking Representative Certification (MBRC). As a modern certification in today's business world, the nationally accepted MBRC covers material designed to provide relevant knowledge to new and entry-level employees as they develop and advance in their professional careers at financial institutions.

For more information or to register please click the link.

CFTEA: Online Certified Modern Banking Representative Certificate
Online Registration Unavailable

CFTEA: Online Certified Modern Banking Representative Certificate


with MindEdge Instructor

Calendar Current session started Nov 4, 2024

As a modern certification in today's business world, the Certified Modern Banking Representative (CMBR) covers updated material that allows new, entry-level employees to develop in their careers and equips them to take on modern banking challenges with knowledge, confidence, and skill. This is an entry-level certification for banking representatives that applies to a broad group of job seekers. Certification can offer a clear pathway to employment in the banking industry.

Courses included in this certificate are: Fighting Fraud, Banking Today, Legal Foundations in Banking, Quality Service and Certified Modern Banking Rep. Exam.

For more informaiton or to register please click the link.

Challenges for Agile Teams
Online Registration Unavailable

Challenges for Agile Teams


with MindEdge Instructor

Calendar Current session started Nov 4, 2024

This intermediate-level course is designed to help Agile practitioners decipher and solve the problems that arise regularly in their work. The course begins with 16 video segments from seasoned Agile trainers and practitioners who provide tips and best practices for addressing Agile team challenges. The course then presents 20 short case studies that test the student's understanding of Agile practices and provide guidance for resolving common problems. The case studies are structured to simulate the conversations and interactions that happen regularly on Agile projects; seeing these disputes as narratives will help students learn to deconstruct issues and diagnose the underlying problems that need to be corrected, just as they would in their everyday work. As students decode these disputes and plan appropriate responses, they'll gain the experience they need to guide their teams and to put them back on track to deliver value to their customers.

For more information or to register please click the link.

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