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MSAD#1 Adult & Community Education

Personal Enrichment

Merrill Ream Speed Reading
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Merrill Ream Speed Reading


with Ed2Go Instructor

Calendar Current session started Sep 29, 2023

Are you struggling to keep up with a flood of email, articles, reports, and books? Save yourself hours of time and increase your productivity by learning to read faster and with better comprehension. This course is a complete speed-reading experience. Topics are presented in a logical progression with plenty of time to help you master the skills and techniques you will need for lasting proficiency as a speed-reader.

For more information or to register please click the link.

Genealogy Basics
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Genealogy Basics


with Ed2Go Instructor

Calendar Current session started Oct 12, 2023

Tracing your family's history is a fascinating journey. Genealogy Basics will help you understand the genealogy research process and how to interpret the information you find. This course guides you through the search process for family names using several subscription-based websites, which you can access while enrolled in this class.

You will learn through hands-on examples that help you dig deeper into your family's past. You will develop a strategy to accomplish your objectives, evaluate the results, and share that information with others. You will discover where to look, who to contact, and how to make your family history come alive!

For more information or to register please click the link.

Handling Medical Emergencies
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Handling Medical Emergencies


with Ed2Go Instructor

Calendar Current session started Oct 12, 2023

If a member of your family suffered a medical emergency, you could certainly call for trained emergency medical responders, but what would you do while you're waiting for them to arrive? Every second counts during a medical emergency.

Recognizing the early signs and symptoms of common medical conditions and providing appropriate treatment can mean a better outcome for the patient and can greatly reduce the seriousness of the illness, which means a shorter hospital stay and lower medical costs. It's also very satisfying to know how to help someone in a time of need.

For more information or to register please click the link.

Introduction to Natural Health and Healing
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Introduction to Natural Health and Healing


with Ed2Go Instructor

Calendar Current session started Oct 12, 2023

Would you like to learn more about natural health but don't know where to start? In this course, you'll learn about the various stages of health and illness and discover that true health means wholeness of the mind, body, and spirit.

Using a variety of methods like diet, hydrotherapy, positive attitude, relaxation, yoga, chiropractic, natural remedies and more, you'll explore way to achieve total health in mind, body, and spirit. By the end of this course, you'll have begun taking charge of your own health and healing!

For more information or to register please click the link.

Luscious, Low-Fat, Lightning-Quick Meals
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Luscious, Low-Fat, Lightning-Quick Meals


with Ed2Go Instructor

Calendar Current session started Oct 12, 2023

Have you ever wished you had a personal chef preparing luscious, low-fat meals for you? This course is the next best thing! You'll learn how to reduce fat in recipes without sacrificing flavor or texture. Explore how to use flavor profiling to expand your culinary horizons. Learn how to prepare casseroles, crock-pot dishes, vegan dishes, oven-fried foods, meat-based meals, and many other entrees that are both nutritious and delicious!

You will discover tips for grocery shopping, menu planning, food preparation, and quicker cooking. You will have the chance to try out over 50 exciting and easy lowered-fat recipes.

For more information or to register please click the link.

Personal Finance
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Personal Finance


with MindEdge Instructor

Calendar Current session started Oct 30, 2023

Personal finance is a critical skill for long-term financial success. However, many adults have learned what they know about personal finance as they've progressed through life. What have you missed along the way? No matter what your financial situation is, it is important to understand how to handle your money. This course will familiarize you with the basics of budgeting, including creating and managing a budget, as well as setting financial goals, understanding your credit, tips for saving money, and the basics of investing.

For more information or to register please click the link.

The First 30 Days
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The First 30 Days


with MindEdge Instructor

Calendar Current session started Oct 30, 2023

So, you've just landed a new job. What happens now? The first 30 days provide you a unique opportunity to set yourself up for success in your new role. Lots of people, most significantly your boss, will form an impression of you from the beginning that will be hard to change later on. This course will help you prepare for your first thirty days on the job, laying the groundwork for a successful tenure in your new role and at the organization.

For more information or to register please click the link.

QuickBooks Online Basics
Online Registration Unavailable

QuickBooks Online Basics


with MindEdge Instructor

Calendar Current session started Jan 2, 2024

QuickBooks® Online Basics is an introductory-level course designed to build a foundation of essential skills in QuickBooks® Online. In this course, learners will develop a greater understanding of the basic bookkeeping and accounting functions that the software enables. The course content focuses on mastering the fundamental tasks performed in QuickBooks®, including setting up a company file and chart of accounts, entering customer and vendor information, recording sales, creating invoices, managing payables and receivables, creating and customizing reports, and using the Audit Log.

Note: To complete the exercises in this course, learners will need to set up their own access to the QuickBooks® Online platform. A subscription to QuickBooks® Online is not included with this course.

For more information or to register please click the link.

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